Cardiovascular system

The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and blood vessels.
The heart consists mostly of a cardiac muscle or myocardium. This muscle works constantly throughout our lives and its cells have the highest energy demand of all the cells in our body.
Arterial vessels transport blood pumped by the myocardium to the capillary circuit. In contrast, venous vessels transport blood from the capillaries back to the heart.
Healthy circulatory systems depends on:
- Ability of the heart muscle to pump blood with sufficient force, to contract regularly, how well it is provided with arterial blood through coronary vessels (arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle).
-Ability of the arteries to properly transport blood. Advanced atheroslerosis or lack of arterial flexibility limits this ability.
-Elasticity of venous vessels. It is critical because it prevents blood stasis, varicose vein development and deep vein thrombosis which can lead to blood clots.