If I had to choose only one natural remedy which can be the most beneficial to humans, it would be Ubiquinol.
Many other medics who take Ubiquinol like I do and are familiar with its benefits would probably have the same opinion [3.4].
In recent years some aging wealthy Americans have received blood transfusions from young people (aged 16-25) in order to achieve the rejuvenating effect of such treatment.
This treatment is based on a study in which by joining circulation systems of old and young mice the former received the blood of the latter. It resulted in significant improvement of the brain and heart function of the old mouse and had a beneficial effect on other muscles as well [5].
Although these type of transfusions are costly and controversial young people's blood undoubtedly contains many substances essential for life which are absent or present in smaller amounts in middle-aged or old people.
One of these natural chemicals is Ubiquinol available also as a dietary supplement.


Ubiquinol is a reduced form of Ubiquinone (also known as Coenzyme Q10). That form is an active one and plays a significant role in our cells by allowing the mitochondria to obtain the energy from food.
Ubiquinol is responsible for the production of cellular "fuel" - ATP.
In our body both forms, Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone, coexist and go from one to another. When Ubiquinone is reduced, Ubiquinol is created, and conversely, Ubiquinol is oxidized and becomes Ubiquinone.
In a healthy young human organism over 90% of total CoQ10 is Ubiquinol.

Coenzyme Q10 was first discovered in the 1950's.
It was introduced as a dietary supplement in the 1980's by Life Extension Foundation from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
It is much more difficult and more expensive to make Ubiquinol than Ubiquinone.
The method of production is currently patented and belongs to Japanese Kaneka Corporation.
Thanks to Kaneka the active form of Coenzyme Q10, Ubiquinol, has been available as a dietary supplement since 2007.

When one takes CoQ10 as a dietary supplement it is converted in the body to Ubiquinol.
This ability decreases with age or may be impaired at a young age for genetic reasons (more common among Hispanics and Asians).
That is why it is believed that after 35 years of age only Ubiquinol should be used as a dietary supplement [4].
Ubiquinol is absorbed much better than Ubiquinone [8] and is more beneficial for our bodies, which is also related to Ubiquinol's strong antioxidant properties which Ubiquinone lacks.

Our own Ubiquinol production is usually sufficient till we are 30, and then decreases with age, which seems to agree with the so-called mitochondrial theory of aging.
According to this theory, along with a decrease in cellular energy production in mitochondria, which progresses with age, the risk of irregularities in the functioning of the body increases. It manifests as a higher frequency of diseases and also higher risk of death.
The mitochondrial aging theory explains the process of aging as progressive loss of the amount of mitochondria in the cells and a decrease in their ability to produce energy (see: PQQ and Niagen).
It also correlates with a reduction in the amount of Ubiquinol without which the production of cellular energy is impossible.

Ubiquinol deficit is observed in most acute and chronic diseases, in people who live unhealthy lifestyle, have too much stress, and are too mentally or physically active. This deficit is also associated with certain genetic ailments (e.g. Down syndrome) [7].

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Commercial name for Ubiquinone (oxidized form) - the form which has to be coverted to Ubiquinol (the active, reduced form) in order to work. Kaneka CoQ10 is still a commercial name for Ubiquinone (even though Kaneka is the company responsible for Ubiquinol).
It may also mean: total Coenzyme Q10 - both Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone - in texts describing them.
The only form commercially available since 1980's till recently (2007) when Kaneka started to make Ubiquinol. CoQ10 on the label of the product means Ubiquinone.
A supplement contains this active form of Coenzyme Q10 only if Ubiquinol is specifically listed on the label.